As a sports counselor with a PhD in performance psychology, I work with elite and professional athletes and high-level career executives.
I teach my clients specific mental skills so they can stay mentally tough and succeed in their sport and career.
I have helped Olympic athletes across the globe, athletes in every major professional league across the country, and executives running multi-million-dollar businesses.
I am the founder of Fiercely Fertile. I am a fertility warrior. And now I want to help you!

I struggled with infertility and trying to conceive for years. I went through over three years of fertility treatments of everything you can imagine going wrong, including countless failed cycles, canceled cycles, even ovulating through a cycle! Loss upon loss to get my miracle baby.
This was one of the most difficult and challenging things I have ever had to endure. I was exhausted, emotionally drained, scared and stressed.
I started to realize that something needed to change. I needed to change. I needed to connect my mind and body. And I needed to become my own client to do this. I needed to help myself the way I help others. I needed to use the mental skills I teach my clients on myself so I could stay mentally tough and perform more successfully while going through my IVF cycles.
And so I did just that. And you know what happened...
I became less stressed, more grounded and more in control of my emotions during my fertility journey.
I am not saying it was easy because it was not! But I became aware of my emotions. I connected my mind and body. And I felt more confident. I felt more empowered. I was at my best when it counted the most.
Because I struggled with all this, I wanted to help other women with their fertility journey and when going through an IVF cycle. I wanted to help other women who ARE like me. Who ARE struggling with the very thing I struggled with. And I wanted to make the IVF process much easier for them. And so Fiercely Fertile was born.
I am a fertility coach that helps you during every practice, coaching you so you can perform in the big game! I am with you, supporting you and encouraging you. I give you practical and powerful tools to use so you can stay mentally tough and reach your goal!

I will teach you effective mental skills and strategies that will connect your mind and body. You will create mental toughness while you go through your fertility journey and IVF cycle. You will regain your confidence, stay more grounded and learn how to optimize your fertility! I help you do this by using my performance psychology background of over 15 years together with my personal infertility and IVF journey. I got your back! You stop worrying and feeling anxious. You feel more in control of you and we work on increasing your performance to cross that finish line.
This course will teach you the skills that you need to stay fierce while going through your IVF cycle. This course was designed to help women who want to make lifestyle changes that may be hard but are worth it to help improve egg quality and increase your chances at a successful IVF cycle.
I provide individual coaching sessions to those women who want a more individualized experience usually after taking my course. These women want to work with me on the skills that I teach in the course and discuss more lifestyle changes as well as managing emotions while they are actually in an IVF cycle.